Become a Member
Becoming a member is the most important thing you can do to contribute to the success of WNA’s mission. By increasing our membership numbers, your membership shows people of influence – government officials, health care providers, insurance companies – the need for attention to this disease by demonstrating we have a growing committed membership who care about decisions that affect their lives. Your dues of $30 per year helps support the organizational, operational, and programmatic expenses of our organization as we implement our vision.
Members Receive:
- Information and empowerment through our website including the Peripheral Neuropathy Patient Toolkit.
- Support and caring among our support groups communities of peripheral neuropathy sufferers.
- Immediate help by dialing Neuropathy Assistance Line (833)-980-4181.
- Timely articles for coping with and understanding peripheral neuropathy via our monthly newsletter, Neuropathy Hope.
To Join...
Renewing Membership
Your membership over the past year has helped us progress our misson - providing peripheral neuropathy sufferers information and education to empower them to advocate for themselves with their medical team, and to provide hope, encouragement, and care through our communities of support groups.
Your Dues Do More:
- Funds hosting our webinars and keeping them free to attend
- Allows the creation and distribution of the Neuropathy Hope Newsletter
- Creates environments of hope, connection, and education in our support groups
- Encourages people of influence to take action in the fight against peripheral neuropathy
To Renew...
What Your Financial Help Can Do
- $250 helps support Neuropathy Awareness
- $100 prints and mails 100 copies of the newsletter
- $75 pays for three months of our toll-free line
- $50 prints 500 copies of our Peripheral Neuropathy information card
- $15 to $25 supports our website for a month
Aid the Board of Directors
The organization is a non-profit, public benefit 501(c)3 corporation. We rely on volunteers for our Board of Directors, committee chairs and committee members. They work diligently and donate their time and talent to the WNA, and are integral to the success of implementing our strategic plan and reaching our vision to make neuropathy a household term. Listed below are ways you can help.
Our Board of Directors is always looking for additional members with a willingness to contribute in directing this organization. You must be a current member of the organization and make a financial contribution to the organization each year.
- Attend and be prepared for monthly board meetings.
- Take responsibility for tasks assigned/agreed upon by the Board.
- Communicate regularly and reliably via email.
- Be a team player and respectful, have good communication skills and exercise good judgement.
- We are starting committees to address specific needs. These committees are formed to tackle a specific project or address a particular need, and do not require the ongoing commitment needed for being on the board. Currently we have a Membership Committee and a Website Committee.
- Finally, we have advisory members who lend their expertise in a particular subject. For example, we have people with political connections, and those specializing in publicity or fundraising. Think about ways your knowledge could be of use.
Contact Pam Hart, WNA President, pamula1@hotmail.com, if you are interested in any of these areas or have other ideas for involvement.
Share Your Knowledge and Experience
Even if you don't want to serve on the board or a committee, your skills are still needed.
- You can assist our newsletter editor in the preparation of the monthly issue. Reminding authors of deadlines, formatting articles for submission and proof-reading copy would be of tremendous service.
- You can help by writing an article for our newsletter detailing a treatment that has improved your symptoms. Sharing experiences is a keyway to support each other on our neuropathy journey.
- Do you have knowledge about a specific subject that would be of interest to those who suffer from peripheral neuropathy? We would welcome you to present that to our audience through a live virtual webinar. This also gives the listeners an opportunity to ask questions for further understanding.
- Updating and expanding the knowledge base in the website is an ongoing need. You can help with researching and bringing materials up-to-date to ensure that we are offering the latest information.
- Do you have contacts in the health care industry that would benefit our members? Procuring speakers for webinars or contributing to newsletter articles would expand the subjects that educate and empower those who suffer from peripheral neuropathy.
Contact Katherine Stenzel, WNA Director and Editor, klstenzel@hotmail.com, if you are interested in assisting in these areas or have other ideas for us to consider.
Contribute Financially
If you believe in what we do, or have been helped by our efforts, donate financially to continue our success.
Donate Items to Thrifty Bargain
Do you have gently used items that need a new home? If you live in the Sacramento area, Thrifty Bargain can help! The store is owned by a long-time WNA member who donates a portion of the sales to our organization.
Thrifty Bargain Locations
- 1400 Bridge Street, Yuba City, CA 95993
- 2432 Esplanade, Chico, CA 95926
Certain neighborhoods have curbside pickup – if you are in those areas, you already receive a post card in the mail. You can also contact them via email at WNADonations@gmail.com