Tribute to Dr. Donovan
The Western Neuropathy Association thanks Dr. William Donovan for his many years of service to this organization. Bill has shared his knowledge of neuropathy to many members through personal conversation, speeches at our annual conferences, and information on peripheral neuropathy via a webinar which you can find on our YouTube channel. He ran a support group in Monterey, CA and transitioned it to a virtual support group during Covid-19. Presently this is the 3rd Wednesday monthly virtual support group. Each month he reviewed current articles on peripheral neuropathy found in the National Library of Medicine and selected those most interesting to us neuropathy sufferers. Those were printed in our newsletter, Neuropathy Hope, with a summary of the pertinent information. They were also uploaded to the WNA website.
Medical Literature Review, 2009 - 2021
William B. Donovan MD wrote the Peripheral Neuropathy Literature Review for Neuropathy Hope, the monthly newsletter of the Western Neuropathy Association (WNA), from 2009 to 2021. He reviewed approximately 100 medical articles on peripheral neuropathy (PN) indexed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) a month. The articles came from biomedical literature form MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Those articles that appeared most interesting to neuropathy patients were selected and summarized. They emphasized prevention, evidence-based treatment, alternative treatment, and cutting-edge research.
Each summarized article is preceded by a “PMID”, a unique PubMed Identification Number. In order to obtain more information on any particular summarized article, its PMID may be entered into the “for” search bar of PubMed—and then click “GO”. The PubMed website - View Website
Dr. Donovan encouraged readers to familiarize themselves with this website—either on their own computer, or one belonging to a friend, or the public library. In this way they would be able to expand on the leads given in his column.
As an example, some of the PMIDs that can be entered include the following:
- 18021866 (prevention of PN due to shingles);
- 15616239 (promotion of nerve regeneration);
- 17696592 (prevention of chemotherapy induced PN).