Explaining Neuropathy; Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment: When the Pain Won't Stop
by Norman Latov, MD, PhD, 2022
Updated version of the book below. Based on over 40 years of experience in caring for, addressing the concerns, and advocating for people with neuropathy.
Peripheral Neuropathy: When the Numbness, Weakness and Pain Won't Stop
by Norman Latov, MD, PhD, 2006
A guide for patients and families that defines neuropathy, the function and organization of the nerves, understanding the symptoms, evaluation and diagnosis, causes of neuropathy, management of neuropathy and sharing stories and experiences. This book will help you to speak the same medical language as your physician.
Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy
by John A. Senneff, 1999
This volume covers the entire subject of peripheral neuropathy in 300 pages: causes, pain medication, other medical therapies, alternative treatments, nutrients, unapproved drugs, diabetes and HIV, and coping. The facts are well referenced, but unselected, including studies with weak evidence for effectiveness. The author deliberately intended to be all-inclusive, realizing that a treatment may help one person and not help many others.
Numb Toes and Other Woes: More on Peripheral Neuropathy
by John A. Senneff, 2001
Written as his second volume on the subject, this is an exhaustive, well-referenced summary of research on the multiple possible treatments of neuropathy.
The Numb Foot Book - How to Treat and Prevent Peripheral Neuropathy
by Alexander McLellan BsC, ND and Marc Spitz, DPM
Continues the legacy of the Numb Toes Book series by John Senneff, while offering even more practical solutions than ever before.
Nutrients for Neuropathy
by John A. Senneff, 2002
The author reviews the many vitamin and mineral substances that have been used to treat the severe pain and other consequences of peripheral neuropathy.
Coping With Peripheral Neuropathy: How to handle stress, disability, anxiety, fatigue, depression, pain, and relationships
by Scott I. Berman MD, 2007
Dr. Berman tells the story of facing his diagnosis of CIDP, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy. Detailed medical information is provided. The author shares helpful advice with anyone coping with the many challenges of this chronic illness.
You Can Cope With Peripheral Neuropathy: 365 Tips for Living a Full Life
by Mims Cushing and Norman Latov, MD, PhD, 2008
The authors share numerous “tips” on how to live a full life, understand the illness, develop healthy attitudes about it, and engage in activities that lessen the impact of neuropathy on one’s life. A number of case histories are shared which serve as models for healthy adaptation. View Website