Board of Directors

The Western Neuropathy Association is led by a volunteer Board of Directors.

Pam Hart, President

Pam has served on the WNA Board for over 10 years. She was originally drawn to the organization because of its mission of support as her husband had diabetic neuropathy and she was anxious to find help for him, as well as understand the causes and relief agents. Pam stayed on the board because of Bev Anderson and her deep knowledge of the condition. With her background in Clinical Laboratories, Technology and Non-profit Organizations, Pam has been pleased to contribute to the development of the organization.

Darrell O'Sullivan, Vice President, Treasurer

Darrell joined the WNA to help provide support to those suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy by using his medical background in Microbiology and Clinical Laboratory Science and his experience in managing his own ongoing peripheral neuropathy.

Glenn Ribotsky, Secretary

Since his unusual acute onset body-wide neuropathy presentation in 2003, Glenn has made it his business to learn all that is learnable about neuropathy, the syndromes that cause it, the tests to determine these, and possible treatments and therapies. He has brought his knowledge to numerous neuropathy forums, conferences, magazine interviews, and podcasts. He has also been part of numerous support groups, both in-person and virtual, looking to help both the newly diagnosed and long-term patients gain the background and language needed to become their own advocates in medical offices, workplaces, and legislatures. He continues to use his vast databases and archives in the service of ending the status of neuropathy as 'the most common condition you've never heard of.'

Katherine Stenzel, Director, Editor of Neuropathy Hope newsletter

Katherine was the leader of the existing Houston Support Group when the group joined WNA in February 2020. She transitioned the group to virtual and adding two more monthly virtual support groups. Bev nominated her as a Director in March 2021. When Bev retired, Katherine volunteered to be the Editor of Neuropathy Hope.

John Phillips, Director

John joined WNA in June of 2020 seeking support and to help gain a better understanding of his SFPN and CIDP. He eventually transitioned to the leader for the newly developed virtual “Open Discussion” support group in 2021 and became a Director with the WNA in April of 2022.

Shana Phelps, Director

Shana was diagnosed in 2020 with neuropathy that affects her whole body. Shana hopes to foster connections, support others, and raise awareness of neuropathy. Shana joined the WNA board in July 2023.

Erika McDannell, Director

Erika joined the Western Neuropathy Association looking for information and support - and that's what she found. Motivated by the desire to give back and with a deep understanding of the challenges of neuropathy, she joined the board in February 2024 to help further our mission of empowering those impacted by this condition. Erika is passionate about supporting the mental and emotional well-being of those with neuropathy and she believes that empowerment is predominately rooted in acquiring knowledge and embracing meaningful connections with others.

Samantha Fields, Director

Samantha joined the Western Neuropathy Association (WNA) as an advocate and voice for those living with peripheral neuropathy. Diagnosed in 2017, she draws from her personal experience managing chronic illness and disability to empower others through education and support. Samantha is passionate about using and sharing information on assistive aids, devices, and technology to help people live safer, more independent lives. She was elected to the WNA board as a Director in October 2024 and is dedicated to raising awareness of neuropathy and fostering connections within the community.

Brian Lockard, Director, Membership Chairperson

Brian joined the Western Neuropathy Association in January 2021. He lives with CIDP and believes support, education and self-advocacy are essential for managing a peripheral neuropathy diagnosis. He joined the WNA board in December 2024.

Kris Langenfeld, Director

Kris was diagnosed with Chemo-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN) in July 2020. After a 3-month flare up in June 2021, she realized she needed to devote more time to understanding and managing CIPN. One day Kris stumbled upon the WNA website and asked to join the Zoom support group call. What she learned in that first meeting in September 2021 was more than the advice she received from her neurologist the previous year. Forever grateful for the help, guidance and support of WNA, Kris joined the Board of Directors in January 2025 to help other PN sufferers also lead better quality of lives.

Emeritus Council

Bev Anderson
Founder and President, 1999 - 2022

Michael Green

Karen C. Polastri, IOM
Past Vice President, 2000 - 2021

Marty Price

Board of Directors' Meetings

The Board of Directors meets virtually each month, except for December.

Members are welcomed to address the Board at its monthly meetings. Please provide at least seven (7) days advance notice to Pam Hart, WNA President, at