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Our monthly newsletter, Neuropathy Hope, includes information and research on treatments, updates on clinical trials, background on nerve disease and definitions, and member experiences with exercise, supplements, etc. 

WNA May Newsletter

May 2024

  • Switching To Vegan Or Ketogenic Diet Rapidly Impacts Immune System
  • Peripheral Neuropathy Support Groups Virtual And In-Person For May
  • From The President
  • Emails To The Editor
  • Webinars - Past And Future
  • Office Approach To Small Fiber Neuropathy – Part I Symptoms And
    Physical Testing
  • Amanita Muscaria Treatment For Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Lyrica And Weight Gain -Can It Be Reversed?
  • Peer Support For Symptom Improvement

Neuropathy Hope - Archive Newsletters

Archives - 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Neuropathy Hope - Monthly Newsletter

Look for new editions posted at the end of each month.
Members receive each month's newsletter early. 


Thumbnail Title Description
PDF file icon 2020 | Feb - ENews.pdf Letter From Dianne Feinstein, U.S. Senator, President’s Message, WNA Support Groups Folsom And Placerville Support Groups, Support Group For Those Without One Near Them On 1st Monday, 6:30 Pm, Members Needed – Time For A Party, Commonly Used Meds Found To Profoundly Alter Gut Microbiome, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Balance News, Pain Relief To Help You Sleep At Night
PDF file icon 2020 | Dec - ENews.pdf Webinar On Pain Management Medication Is On WNA Website, The Diet Most Recommended For Healthy Aging, WNA Support Groups, President’s Report, Good News Be Sure Your Senators Know, Cares Act Impacts Charitable Giving For 2020, Two Common Prescription Drugs Now Available Over The Counter, Analgesics – Dangerous To Kidneys And Other Conditions, Be Wary Of Scams, WNA Is Presenting A Winter Sale, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, December Teleconference And Zoom Schedule
PDF file icon 2020 | Aug - ENews.pdf WNA’s First Webinar – Tuesday, July 28, Educational Overview Of Hereditary ATTR Amyloidosis, Balance – Consult With Occupational And Physical Therapists, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, A Group Leader’s Experience – Remembering Auschwitz Even Now, Coping With Covid-19, Monoclonal Gammopoetry, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review
PDF file icon 2020 | April - ENews.pdf 2020 WNA Annual Conference Being Reformatted, Annual Report – 2019, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Memorial For One Of Our Group Leaders, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Could This Be Your Answer?, Special Message To Those Attending Support Groups
PDF file icon 2019 | Sept - ENews.pdf FDA Approves Lyrica Generics, Can You Guess What’s Causing This Woman’s Neuropathy?, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Bev Anderson Reports On Alpha Lipoid Acid, Esketamine Approved For Treatment-Resistant Depression, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Medical Notes, International Pain Summit 2019
PDF file icon 2019 | Oct - ENews.pdf Touched By Lyme: Tick Borne Mystery In Folsom, CA, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Could Family History Of Diabetes Impact Bone Health?, Alpha Lipoic Acid – Update With Warning, Rogue Stem Cell Clinics Come Under Microscope As California Considers Oversight, The Truck That Picks Up Gently Used Items Helps WNA, Should The Elderly Discontinue Statins?, San Diego-Area Ticks Infected With Tularemia Hikers Warned, Medication Precautions, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, International Pain Summit 2019
PDF file icon 2019 | Nov - ENews.pdf Is Everything We Know About Meat Consumption Wrong?, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Meat Guidelines Are Exposing The Fault Lines In Nutrition Advice, The Gabapentin High – Misuse And Abuse Of Neurotin Painkiller On The Rise, Shopping Online
PDF file icon 2019 | May - ENews.pdf Annual Report For 2018, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Teleconference Schedule, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Research At The Weill Cornell Medicine Neuropathy Center, Vitamin B3 For Pain Relief, Remembering Gene Richardson, WNA 2019 Annual Conference – Information And Registration, Support Group Leaders Of The Year
PDF file icon 2019 | March - ENews.pdf Aerobics Exercise Boosts Cognition In Younger Adults, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Can The Sun Protect Against Diabetes, Your Opportunity To Help With Research Is Here, Understanding Neuromodulation, WNA 2019 Annual Conference – Information And Registration, Diabetes Information, Diabetes: The Right Steps For A Healthy Life
PDF file icon 2019 | June - ENews.pdf UC Davis Researcher Will Test Non-Addictive Drug That Could Lead To A New Way To Treat Pain, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Bios Of Group Leaders Receiving Awards, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review
PDF file icon 2019 | July - ENews.pdf Medical Marijuana For Peripheral Neuropathy, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, WNA 2019 Conference Photo Gallery, Can The Sun Protect Against Diabetes, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review
PDF file icon 2019 | Jan - ENews.pdf What Are Lyme Disease Symptoms And Sign, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Food As Medicine, Sherry Snelling Supports Caregivers, CTS Clinical Trial Article And Brief For Recruitment, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Teleconference Support Groups Begin
PDF file icon 2019 | Feb - ENews.pdf New Pain Medication Going To Human Clinical Trials, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Chemo-Induced Neuropathy Common After Childhood Cancer, Whole-Body Cryotherapy Caused Cold Burn Injury, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Yale Scientists Identity Bacterium That Causes Autoimmune Response
PDF file icon 2019 | Dec - ENews.pdf A Cardiologist’s Diet Built For Improving Cholesterol, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Commonly Used Meds Found To Profoundly Alter Gut Microbiome, Eicosis Announces SBIR Grant Award From NCI/NIH, Sweet And Sour Veggies Recipe, Getting Safely Up After A Fall, Doing Some Online Shopping This Season?
PDF file icon 2019 | Aug - ENews.pdf Something New About Myelin Generation, WNA Support Groups, President’s Message, Healthy Eating For Peripheral Neuropathy With Chef Bill Nolan, T2D, Cholesterol, And Neuropathy: What’s The Link, Neuropathy Medical Literature Review, Foot Health Information From Vanessa Kettler, Medical Marijuana And Older Adults, Stem Cell Breakthrough