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Our monthly newsletter, Neuropathy Hope, includes information and research on treatments, updates on clinical trials, background on nerve disease and definitions, and member experiences with exercise, supplements, etc. 

WNA May Newsletter

May 2024

  • Switching To Vegan Or Ketogenic Diet Rapidly Impacts Immune System
  • Peripheral Neuropathy Support Groups Virtual And In-Person For May
  • From The President
  • Emails To The Editor
  • Webinars - Past And Future
  • Office Approach To Small Fiber Neuropathy – Part I Symptoms And
    Physical Testing
  • Amanita Muscaria Treatment For Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Lyrica And Weight Gain -Can It Be Reversed?
  • Peer Support For Symptom Improvement

Neuropathy Hope - Archive Newsletters

Archives - 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Neuropathy Hope - Monthly Newsletter

Look for new editions posted at the end of each month.
Members receive each month's newsletter early. 


Thumbnail Title Description
PDF file icon 2022 | Sept - ENews.pdf FDA Clears Pens Device For Pain Related To Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, 1- khz Spinal Cord Stimulation Therapy Demonstrates Substantial Improvement In Painful Diabetic Neuropathy, September Support Groups Schedule, Hot, Cold And Tight – Recommendations For Socks And Slippers, From The President, Parsonage-Turner Syndrome – A Rare Peripheral Neuropathy, Massage The Pain Away With Essential Oils, Topical Amitriptyline Granted Fast Track Status For Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain, Federal Drug Administration Fast Track Drug Approval, Negative EMG/NCV So I Don’t Have Neuropathy: Not So Fast!, The Best Exercises For People Who Think They Can’t Exercise, Read What First-Time Virtual Support Group Attendees Have To Say!
PDF file icon 2022 | Oct - ENews.pdf Use Of Botox (Botulinum Toxin) In The Treatment Of Neuropathic Pain: A Case Series, October Neuropathy Support Group Schedule, From The President, Webinars, Curable – An App To Help Manage Pain, Aging And Muscle Loss – Keep Your Strength And Stay Independent, Member Quotes On Exercise Heard At Virtual Support Groups, How Can I Have Pain And Numbness?, Medicinal Plant Has Helped My Neuropathy, Tips For Living With Chronic Neuropathic Pain, Six Great Plant-Based Foods To Fight Nerve Pain, Recruiting Soon For Phase 3 Clinical Trial – WinSanTor
PDF file icon 2022 | Nov - ENews.pdf FDA Clears New Neurostimulation System For Chronic Pain, Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation For Diabetic Neuropathic Pain – Clinical Trial Results, Peripheral Neuropathy Support Groups November Schedule, Update To WNA, From The President, Benefit Of Exercise: Basketball Eased My 48+ Year PN Pain, The Holidays And Chronic Pain: 5 Tips, 11 Natural Depression Treatments, Can Depression Cause Lasting Changes In Immune Cells?, Vixotrigine Promising For Neuropathic Pain – Phase 2 Clinical Trial Results
PDF file icon 2022 | May - ENews.pdf Gene Therapy: A Promising Future For Inherited Peripheral Neuropathy, May Support Group Schedule, Editor’s Note, 2022 Annual Conference Schedule, Six Of The Best Shoes For Neuropathy, Embarrassed To Use A Cane Or Walker?, Neuropathy Reality Experience, From Pillows To Music: How Sensory Therapies May Help Ease Anxiety, Support Groups For Pain, Mental Health And Our Caregivers, Notes From The 3rd Wednesday Virtual Support Group Meeting, The Emotional Side Of Living With Neuropathy
PDF file icon 2022 | March - ENews.pdf Virtual Reality And Regular Meditative Breathing Both East Pain, March Support Group Schedule, FDA Approves Spinal Cord Stimulation Therapy For Treating Chronic Pain Resulting From Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Editor’s Note, Executive Board Changes, Prescription Pain Medicine Safety, New Drug “194” Relieved Neuropathic Pain Caused By Chemotherapy, HIV And Nerve Injury In Animal Models, Drugs Approved By The FDA For Treatment Of Neuropathic Pain Syndromes, Exercise For Neuropathic Pain: A Systematic Review And Expert Consensus, FDA Approved Vs. FDA Cleared: Why You Need To Know The Difference, Additional Apps That May Help Relieve Pain
PDF file icon 2022 | June - ENews.pdf Research Insights: The Gut’s Role In Neuropathic Pain, June Support Group Schedule, Editor’s Note, June Webinar – Naboso Neuropathy Pilot, Pets, Mental Health And Pain, Pain Scales Assessed On Quality Of Life, Neuropathic Pain – The Invisible Illness, Mayo Clinic Radio – Peripheral Neuropathy Broadcast
PDF file icon 2022 | July - ENews.pdf WNA President Bev Anderson’s Retirement Speech, July Support Group Schedule, Editor’s Note, 10 Questions To Ask At Your Next Physical Checkup, 2022 WNA Annual Conference, The Spoon Theory Helps Explain The Struggle Of Chronic Illness, Soothing Relief – Experience Life Without Pain, Paralympian With CMT Wins Bronze Medal In 50-Meter Freestyle, WNA 2022 Annual Conference On YouTube
PDF file icon 2022 | Jan - ENews.pdf High-Dose Capsaicin Improves Patient-Reported Outcomes In Neuropathic Pain, January/February Support Group Schedule, Brain&Life Magazine, Slippers For Neuropathy Sufferers, Editor’s Note, Apple’s iOS 15 Has A Fall-Prevention Feature That Notifies You If You’re In Future Risk Of Falling, What Does My Peripheral Neuropathy Diagnosis Mean?, Gabapentin By The Numbers, Newly Discovered Cell Type May Lead To Targeted Therapies For Chronic Neuropathic Pain, Treating Diabetic PN Using A Novel, Nanotechnology-Based Topical Formulation To Improve Pain, Sensitivity And Function, Peripheral Neuropathy Links, Keep Hydrated To Lessen The Chance Of Falls
PDF file icon 2022 | Dec - ENews.pdf Dietary Agmatine Sulfate – Clinical Trial Result (NCT01524666), Effect Of Agmatine Sulfate On Neuropathic Pain, Peripheral Neuropathy Support Groups December Schedule, An Old Anti-Psychotic Offers A New Way To Treat Chronic Pain, From The President, How To Uninvite Nerve Pain From Your Holidays, Exercises To Improve Balance For Those With Peripheral Neuropathy, How To Get Chronic Illness Needs Met At Work, Vitamin Supplements – What Are They And Can They Help? A Series Starting With Alpha Lipoic Acid
PDF file icon 2022 | Aug - ENews.pdf Western Neuropathy Association – Organization Updates, August Support Group Schedule, From The President, Western Neuropathy Association - Executive Board Recruitment, AAN Updated Guidelines, Ginkgo Biloba Clinical Trial Papers, Peripheral Neuropathy Guidelines 2022, Glyceryl Trinitrate Clinical Trial Papers, Citrullus Colocynthis Clinical Trial Papers, The Role Of Sodium Channels In Painful Neuropathies
PDF file icon 2022 | April - ENews.pdf Neuropathy Diagnostics: Three Useful Tools For Self-Advocacy, April Support Group Schedule, Cycling For Neuropathy, Editor’s Note, Lidocaine Medicated Plaster Effective For Localized Neuropathic, Pain Severity In Diabetic Neuropathy Correlates With Corneal Nerve Fiber Loss, Nerve Damage May Explain Some Cases Of Long Dovid, Can You Stop Neuropathy From Getting Worse? The Short Answer From A Neurologist, Fear Of Falling – Four Easy Exercises To Help Improve Your Balance, Mindfulness And Chronic Pain – Being Present Doesn’t Have To Hurt, DOD’s PPMRP Neuropathy Research Awards, Walking Poles For Balance, Stability And Confidence!
PDF file icon 2021 | Sept - ENews.pdf Turning Tarantula Venom Into Pain Relief, September Support Group Schedule, Editor’s Note With Massage Oil Recipe, Letters To The Editor, Sleeping 7 Hours A Night – Why And How, Questions To Ask Your Doctor, What To Do If You Fall, Can Essential Oils Treat Neuropathy, 2021 Research Grant For Pain Relief
PDF file icon 2021 | Oct - ENews.pdf Comparative Efficacy Of Gabapentin And Duloxetine For Painful Diabetic Neuropathy, October Support Group Schedule, Beginning Zoom For Support Group Members, Editor’s Note, Letters To The Editor, Virtual Support Group Best Practices, Walking , Benefits And Neuropathy, Acupuncture For Peripheral Neuropathy And WNA Member Successes!, Three-Part Breath: An Exercise In Diaphragmatic Breathing, Describing Your Pain, Billy Footwear
PDF file icon 2021 | Nov - ENews.pdf FDA Oks Spinal Cord Stimulation For Diabetic Neuropathy Pain, November Support Group Schedule, September Webinar Review, Editor’s Note, Houston Neuropathy Support Group In-Person Meeting, Less Neuropathy Pain With Plants, Vitamin D: Revisiting Controversial Study May Change Recommendations, What Is A Plant-Based Diet?, Alternate Nostril Breath, Coffee, Depression And Anti-Inflammation, Peripheral Neuropathy And The Older Driver, ZenToes For Foot Pain, Pressure And Discomfort
PDF file icon 2021 | May - ENews.pdf WNA Annual Conference Presented Virtually May 12-14, 2021, Big Day Of Giving – May 6, 2021, WNA May Teleconferences And Zoom Meetings, President’s Report, Conscious Walking, WNA 2020 Donors, Western Neuropathy Association Annual Report For 2021, Fundraiser For Research